八月 2024

 -  QIPC-EAE, the leading supplier of innovative optical measure and control systems and press control automation and software for the printing industry, announces the appointment of Joe Jastrzebski as their new Managing Director for its North American office. Joe Jastrzebski will be stepping into the role following the retirement of Larry Macko, who worked for QIPC-EAE for the past four years and as a long-time agent representing the company before that.

New joint management: Conrad Borchert and Tom van Holten to lead EAE and EAE Solutions

八月 2024

 – EAE Engineering Automation GmbH (EAE) and EAE Solutions GmbH are pleased to announce a significant change in their management team. Effective August 1, the current CEO, Robert Lugauer, will be succeeded by Conrad Borchert and Tom van Holten, who will jointly take on the role of Managing Directors.

EAE successfully completes significant order with Novi List

六月 2024

 – EAE, a leader in advanced print control systems, has successfully completed a major project with Novi List in Rijeka, one of Croatia's foremost daily newspapers. This significant order represents a landmark achievement in the ongoing collaboration between the two companies. The project concerned the upgrade of the press control solutions and software on their Goss Universal 70 newspaper press. 

Successful completion EAE project at Novi List

四月 2024

 - Harold Drinhuyzen successfully closed the EAE Engineering Automation Electronics GmbH project at Novi list d.d. in Rijeka, Croatia. Marked by the customer's sign-off on implementation and acceptance. The client spoke highly of the team's expertise and dedication, especially our on-site engineer Jan Kettner. Special thanks to Mr. Ivan Biondić (Novi List d.d) and our agent, Ivan Rogic (Grafmat-usluge d.o.o.), for their invaluable contributions. Looking forward to more successful collaborations ahead!

- Article GXpress - A sure hand delivering reliability, productivity and quality

六月 2023

- As the world’s largest English-language newspaper, everything about the Times of India comes with scale… including the potential for savings. That equation has contributed to a growing relationship with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and EAE, making them the technology partner of choice for a succession of important update projects. And against the context of higher newsprint and materials costs, and pressure on advertising and reader attention, quality and efficiency have become even more important. Thus a series of retrofit orders – achieved against intense competition – is important for the way in which each has added both stability and efficiencies through new levels of technology, notably QIPC’s ground-breaking colour automation.

Centro Stampa Quotidiani continues strategy by also equipping new press with Q.I. Press Controls

四月 2023

– Centro Stampa Quotidiani (CSQ) is the newest and largest printing centre in Italy. They recently added an additional press to their inventory, a GOSS UNIVERSAL 75. This press was already equipped with Q.I. Press Controls’ (QIPC) IRS colour register system. Now also the IDS system will be mounted in order to control closed loop colour, dampening and fault detection.

Mediahuis Noord Grafisch Bedrijf takes next step with modernisation workflow by EAE V.I.P.

十一月 2022

– Mediahuis Noord Grafisch Bedrijf, formerly NDC Mediagroep Grafisch Bedrijf, is taking the next step in the modernisation process of their print site in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. After investing in a complete automation package from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) with regard to print quality with colour density, register, damp and ink control, it is now up to its sister company EAE Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE) to modernise production planning and order preparation.

Salomon PRINT awards EAE’s outstanding track record with new order

九月 2022

– Salomon PRINT in Ljubljana, is one of the leading Slovenian printers in the web offset printing market. Their mission states they want to maintain this position amongst printers in Slovenia and in their part of Europe, while consolidating their position in the foreign market through continuous  improvements and better materials. And that is exactly the reason for upgrading their Koenig & Bauer Colora newspaper press, dating from 2001.


六月 2022

– OÖN Druckzentrum, which is short for Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, is at the starting point of a comprehensive retrofit. The KBA Commander that is in operation at their Pasching site will get a complete overhaul. The retrofit & upgrade of the press automation and control consoles will be managed by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and EAE Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE).


六月 2022

As time passes, systems become obsolete. In itself, that's not necessarily a problem. Until the moment that the system gives problems and support is no longer available. Rodi Rotatiedruk in Diemen did not want to wait for this moment. Therefore, the company replaces the current impositioning system with the pre-press workflow automation of EAE/Wobe.

EAE appoints Robert Lugauer as CEO to lead both the graphic and intralogistics divisions

一月 2022

– EAE Engineering Automation Electronics GmbH (EAE) is pleased to announce that Robert Lugauer has been appointed the new CEO of the company, headquartered in Ahrensburg, Germany. As of January 1 of this year, Robert Lugauer has been leading both the graphic and intralogistics divisions (EAE Solutions) of EAE.

Bristol Herald Courier partners with EAE for press upgrade

一月 2022

– The Bristol Herald Courier, owned by Lee Enterprises, is investing in an upgrade for their KBA Comet newspaper press. For this upgrade, the Herald Courier (Bristol, Virginia) partnered with EAE Engineering Automation Electronics GmbH (EAE). With the upgrade of the current EAE control solutions, the paper can count on extending the reliability and run ability of the press.

STEC ready for additional jobs with Performance Package from QIPC-EAE

二月 2021

- The Roman printshop of Società Tipografico Editrice Capitolina (STEC) is preparing for the extra orders she has received. The Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls – Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) will ensure that the Goss Uniliner press, which will be in extra demand, will perform according to the standards that apply in the printing industry today.

QIPC-EAE and Koenig & Bauer announce cooperation

十月 2020

  • One-stop provider
  • Long-term cooperation
  • Initially in the German, Austrian and Swiss regions



三月 2020

- Larry Macko will assume the role of Managing Director of QIPC-EAE Americas Ltd per April 1st. Ronald Reedijk will step down from his position and will work with Larry Macko during a transfer period until the end of April.


一月 2020

–上海报业集团决定在未来继续使用Q.I. 印刷控制公司(QIPC)和EAE工程自动化公司(EAE)的系统及产品。作为中国最大的报业集团之一,上报集团决定升级其mRC-3D色彩套准控制系统及EAE控制系统。“中国市场对我们仍然非常重要。”

Tailored solution of Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics prepares La Nouvelle République for the future

九月 2019

-  La Nouvelle République du Centre Ouest will be the third newspaper printing house in France to use closed-loop colour control from Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). QIPC-EAE, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control technology for the printing industry, will install a Performance Package at the print shop in Tours.

Performance Package prepares Persgroep print shop in Best for the future

九月 2019

– In the footsteps of the Amsterdam branch, the print shop of Persgroep Printing in Best will also have access to the measurement and control systems of Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). The 3 WIFAG Evolution OF 375S presses at the print shop in the southeast of the Netherlands, near Eindhoven, will receive a full retrofit thanks to this Performance Package. 

QIPC-EAE presents Smart Pre-setting system and multi-sectional control at WPE 2019

八月 2019

- Want to know all about Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) smart ink key and damp pre-setting system? Or learn how Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE)'s innovative multi-sectional control allows you to operate your press with a single desk instead of 4? Then visit the World Publishing Expo 2019 (WPE) at the QIPC-EAE booth.

19th EAE and Friends Bike Tour

七月 2019

 - For the 19th time EAE motorcyclists, customers and friends met for the "EAE and Friends Bike-Tour" in the north of Hamburg on Saturday, 06. July 2019. 

QIPC-EAE and The Siebold Company join forces in North America and the Caribbean

五月 2019

- Effective immediately, The Siebold Company (TSC) is the authorised agency of QIPC-EAE in the United States, the Caribbean and Canada. The Dutch specialist for color control and registration equipment for the printing industry praises the technical knowledge of the new partner. TSC in turn is full of praise for QIPC's state-of-the-art and register control systems and EAE's press control systems.

sh:z focuses on cross-location production planning with EAE Print

五月 2019

 - The Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitungsverlag (sh:z), part of NOZ MEDIEN and mh:n MEDIEN, is investing in two used Colora printing presses from Koenig & Bauer AG at its Büdelsdorf printing site in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. In the medium to long term, these two presses will have to replace the current press line consisting of WIFAG OF470 and manroland Colorman XXL presses.

DDV Druck GmbH, Dresden, chooses QIPC-EAE Performance Package

四月 2019

 - Sooner or later in the life of a printing press, the time is ripe: upgrading with modern control and automation systems brings back the required production reliability and improves productivity, efficiency and product quality. DDV Druck GmbH, a company of the DDV Mediengruppe, Dresden, has therefore ordered a comprehensive QIPC-EAE Performance Package from Engineering Automation Electronics GmbH (EAE) to modernise its newspaper printing line.


三月 2019

- 从今年3月起,QIPC-EAE将由北京格默勒科贸有限责任公司在中国代理。 北京格默勒科贸有限责任公司已经在其产品组合中代理许多成熟的印后设备制造商,如Gämmerler,Mosca,Planatol和Affeldt。 QIPC的高质量光学测量和控制系统以及EAE的控制,自动化和软件解决方案是一个有价值的补充。 因此,双方对这一新的合作抱有很大的期望。

QIPC-EAE continues agency for Sweden and Denmark with JS Graphic House

九月 2018

 - As from August this year QIPC-EAE is to be represented in Sweden and Denmark by JS Graphic House. Although it is a new company name in the industry, it certainly is not a new face. Being active in the printing industry for many years, Jarl Söderqvist, Managing Director of JS Graphic House, knows the Swedish and Danish market as no other. Therefore both sides have great expectations of this new collaboration.

Extended service and support contract "EAE Care Protection" for OM Druck GmbH & Co KG in Cloppenburg

九月 2018

 - 5 years of production reliability with a fixed, manageable service budget – 

Retrofit or new investment - these were the two alternatives customers had in the past with aging, obsolete press controls. With the extended service contract model "EAE Care Protection", EAE GmbH now offers a further option. 

EAE wins major retrofit order from Reach Printing Services

九月 2018

 - Leading British newspaper company trusts in EAE’s retrofit expertise to modernise computer systems on a WIFAG web press line

Reach plc (until May 2018 Trinity Mirror plc), the UK’s biggest newspaper publisher, is also a leading player in the magazines and online media business. Apart from more than 240 local and regional newspapers, Reach also publishes the national Daily MirrorSunday MirrorDaily ExpressSunday Express and Daily Star as well as sundry other newspapers and magazines with a nationwide circulation.

Changes at EAE Hotline Support

五月 2018

- The EAE hotline connects you with a competent team of experts who analyse and solve problems together with you. In order to continue offering this top-quality service at the highest level using our own employees, changes in the processing of these services are necessary.

Mediaprint embarks on the newspaper production of tomorrow with QIPC and EAE

五月 2018

 - One of Europe’s largest newspaper printers is readying itself for the future with technology from Q.I. Press Controls and EAE. For the last two years the newspaper industry has been closely following Mediaprint’s Vienna retrofit project. Here, new QIPC quality control systems have been installed, Koenig & Bauer has undertaken an extensive mechanical retrofit and EAE has completely overhauled the control electronics and software architecture. Over 30 newspaper printers from eight different countries were invited to Vienna to take a close look at what is the largest retrofit project that EAE has undertaken to date.

Deal with Arta Taraz Niavaran gives Q.I. Press Controls and EAE foothold in Iran

一月 2018

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in optical measurement and control systems for the printing industry, has found a new partner in the Iran-based printing concern of Arta Taraz Niavaran. Its owner, Babak Soukhakian is to represent QIPC and EAE in the up-and-coming Iranian market.

Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics once again teams up with Mecaprint S.L.

一月 2018

– As from this year, Q.I. Press Controls – Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) is to be represented in Spain by Mecaprint S.L. Owned by Raúl Barredo Sabando, Mecaprint knows the Spanish and South American markets and QIPC-EAE products like no other. Both parties expect the collaboration to bring about a significant growth on the Spanish market. 

QIPC-EAE Performance Package destined for Saudi Arabia

十一月 2017

– Earlier this year, Saudi-based Al Madina Printing & Publishing Co. started using automation systems installed by Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC - EAE). Its printing plant - located in Jeddah - placed an order for a Performance Package with the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry. Al Madina is thus able to take full advantage of QIPC’s takeover of EAE. The systems help bring about increased production reliability for Al Medina Printing & Publishing Co., as well as halving its output of waste.


十月 2017

- QIPC-EAE is setting new standards in newspaper printing

World Publishing Expo 2017 in Berlin (10-12 October) will have its worldwide premiere in the newspaper industry. QIPC-EAE will present a new pioneering feature on the Desk 7: the control of multiple press sections with just one desk or from a mobile platform, which can be used at any location in the print production site. 

EAE管理层变更 海科 库特纳(Heiko Küttner) 和 约赫 韦斯特佛(Jörg Westphal)成为董事

九月 2017

 - 47岁的海科 库特纳在1995年加入EAE.在此期间,他先是在软件开发和客户服务部门的管理岗位上工作,并在2008年被任命为CTO,正式进入高级管理层. 作为EAE的董事, 库特纳将负责开发,项目和服务.


八月 2017


QIPC-EAE on show at World Publishing Expo in Berlin

八月 2017

– Berlin is host once again to the annual World Publishing Expo (WPE), which takes place in the German capital from 10 to 12 October this year. The trade fair is the number one show for companies wishing to showcase their written and printed media products and services, both online and offline. Needless to say, Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) will have its own stand at the show. Amongst other things, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry will be demonstrating EAE’s Desk 7, with integrated controls for QIPC’s IDS-3D system.

Second phase kicks off: Next chapter of EAE retrofit projects in North and Central America gets off to a good start

七月 2017

- QIPC-EAE Americas has just launched the second phase of two demanding retrofit projects for newspaper customers in Costa Rica and the U.S. The company is upgrading the press control and control console technology of a KBA Comet web press with ten four-high towers to the latest generation at Grupo Nación – at home in San José, the capital of Costa Rica – as well as four KBA Commander web presses with a total of 36 towers at the Kansas City Star in Kansas City, Missouri.


三月 2017

 - 奥地利媒体印刷集团再次与QIPCEAE合作并对其控制和自动化解决方案投出信任票  

奥地利最大的报纸印刷公司传媒印刷已经向Q.I印刷控制公司(QIPC)和EAE工程自动化电子下达了大额订单。 QIPC和EAE将为几台传媒印刷的印刷机配备新的自动化和控制系统,旨在最大限度地提高生产效率,质量和可靠性,同时降低浪费和成本。


Change of system: New EAE controls for a proven newspaper press

二月 2017

 - QIPC – EAE Americas wins Civitas Media as a retrofit customer   

U.S. media company Civitas Media has chosen QIPC – EAE Americas to modernise the press controls at its newspaper print shop in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. In the future, yet another new QIPC – EAE Americas customer will reap the benefits of innovative EAE control technology.

QIPC welcomes back ‘old’ colleague

二月 2017

- A welcome addition to the Q.I. Press Controls sales team since last November has been that of Harold Drinhuyzen. As such, the 54-year-old from nearby Breda returns to the company which had previously been his place of work from 2003 to 2009. Harold Drinhuyzen now has responsibility for the international sales of QIPC-EAE in the Mediterranean region, a number of African countries and Russia. 

Performance Package order marks a first for QIPC in Spain

十一月 2016

- The Spanish-based print concern Calprint SL has placed an order for a Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). QIPC, the specialist in automation for the printing industry, is to install the IDS-3D system for colour and register control at Calprint SL's plant in Medina del Campo, close to Valladolid in the centre of Spain. It will be the first closed-loop colour control system to be installed on a coldset press in the country. The Performance Package will also entail the updating of existing Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE) systems.

QIPC Performance Package for Le Matin

八月 2016

– The printing plant of the Morocco-based newspaper Le Matin has decided to invest in a Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE). Morocco's leading print concern will thus be taking maximum advantage of the recent takeover by QIPC of EAE and, in addition to acquiring an update of the EAE operating system, can now also call upon the services of a QIPC mRC-3D system for automation of colour and cut-off register.

The Providence Journal: Rejuvenated intelligence for EAE control consoles

七月 2016

 - Largest flexo newspaper printer in the U.S. renews its trust in QIPC-EAE Americas to implement retrofit strategy.

QIPC-EAE Americas is delighted to have secured another retrofit order from GateHouse Media (The Providence Journal) in Providence, Rhode Island. Established in 1829, the Journal is the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the United States. Providence  is also the most important print medium in the East Coast state of Rhode Island.


七月 2016

- 对QI – EAE来说,2016年德鲁巴展会的第二个星期明显要比第一个更为成功。在杜塞尔多夫为期11天的展会期间,印刷行业自动化控制专家的订单又增加了630万欧元,这是第一周获得200万欧元订单的三倍。而且很可能,甚至会有更多的订单随之而来,QIPC-EAE董事长门诺扬森这么说。

QIPC-EAE secures 2 milion in orders in first DRUPA week

六月 2016

- The first week of Drupa 2016 has been phenomenal for QIPC-EAE. “Not only did we close the first week with an order intake of 2 million worth, but we are also getting very good responses on our new our product introductions IBS-100 and EAE desk 7”, states Menno Jansen, Chairman of QIPC-EAE. 

Q.I. Press Controls provides Vanguardia Liberal with customised design

五月 2016

– The leading Colombian newspaper, Vanguardia Liberal, is to fit its printing presses with automation equipment supplied by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). A major national daily, the newspaper has placed an order to install an mRC-3D system for register and cut-off control on its recently acquired Goss Universal 50 press with 12 towers. A personalised design for the system was specially developed for the press and Vanguardia Liberal by QIPC. 


四月 2016

- 位于德国阿伦斯堡的EAE工程自动化设备公司将借德鲁巴2016的东风,开启报纸印刷机控制台开发的全新篇章。这家为印刷行业提供控制系统和自动设备的供应商,将展示他们最前卫的概念性中央控制单元EAE7号台,这主要是用来控制轮转印刷机的。新的印刷控制中心的设计结合了清晰、轻便和动感的设计,并具有超强的耐用性。新控制台的软件系统在微软视窗10操作系统上运行。

Maryna SA new agent for QIPC – EAE in South America

一月 2016

Maryna SA has been named as the new agent for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. This appointment comes as no surprise, since Maryna SA represents leading brands in Blankets, Ink and CTP’s in the area. The company has over 30 years of experience in the printing industry and developed and expertise in newspaper and printing plants. QIPC – EAE has complete confidence in Maryna SA.

Ferrostaal Vietnam new agent for EAE in Vietnam

一月 2016

EAE welcomes Ferrostaal Vietnam as a new agent! Ferrostaal Vietnam will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of Vietnam. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. 

Rotografix new agent for EAE in the Balkans

十二月 2015

EAE welcomes Rotografix as a new agent! Rotografix will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. 

Grafmat usluge new agent for QIPC – EAE in Croatia and Slovenia

十一月 2015

Grafmat usluge has been named as the new agent for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE. Since the past seven years, Grafmat usluge is working hard to expand their portfolio with leading companies in the graphic industry. At the moment they represent a range of companies present in the market in all of Europe and the world. QIPC – EAE choose this agent to actively represent and promote the sales of QIPC – EAE in Croatia and Slovenia. 

QIPC – EAE strong together at World Publishing Expo

十月 2015

– Where Q.I. Press Controls and EAE closed million deals last year in Amsterdam, the organisations gather success again this year in Hamburg. From 05 to October 07, the Hamburg Messe was the stage for the World Publishing Expo: the exhibition where the main suppliers of the printing industry present themselves. This year too, QIPC – EAE shared a stand where a white décor, white suits and new orders prevailed. The Board consisting of Menno Jansen (QIPC), Erik van Holten (QIPC – EAE) and Werner Ringel (EAE), looks back on three eventful days with satisfaction. Menno Jansen: “We are certainly satisfied with the results and we can confidently prepare ourselves for DRUPA.”   


Sanomapaino to join forces with EAE and Q.I. Press Controls

十月 2015

Sanoma, one of Europe’s leading media and educational concerns has plans to modernise one of its printing plants in Finland. The plant aims to modernise the press so that future costs can be minimised whilst optimum levels of support can be maintained. Additional benefits involve improvements to the quality of the product which will be accompanied by optimisation of production costs. It comes as no surprise therefore that Sanomala has opted to collaborate with QIPC – EAE.

Techniweb new agent for EAE in France

九月 2015

EAE welcomes Techniweb as a new agent! Techniweb will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of France. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. 

QIPC – EAE Performance Package meets with approval

九月 2015

QIPC – EAE has sold yet another Performance Package. The Performance Package, which comprises an update of current systems from EAE and extra automation features from Q.I. Press Controls, ensures greater efficiency and product improvements for printing firms. The package also helps bring about even faster return-on-investment times then the products of Q.I. Press Controls and EAE do separately. This time it was the turn of IPM Press Print  (formerly known as Sodimco) in Anderlecht, Belgium to buy the QIPC - EAE package.

Grupo Nación opts to modernise EAE systems

八月 2015

Grupo Nación of San José, Costa Rica, has requested QIPC-EAE Americas to modernise various EAE systems on its newspaper and semi-commercial press. The American branch of Q.I. Press Controls and EAE cooperated with its agent, Print2Finish, to win the order. The retrofit project concerns a KBA Comet web press which was commissioned at the end of 2004 and upgraded from an eight tower to a ten four-high tower installation in 2008.

Print2Finish is the new agent for EAE in America

七月 2015

– EAE welcomes Print2Finish as the new agency responsible for Central America, Colombia, Panama and the United States of America. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided to add EAE to their portfolio. Menno Jansen, Director Q.I. Press Controls, believes that having just one agent for both Q.I. Press Controls and EAE makes sure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the combination QIPC – EAE will be well known in all represented countries. 

Major retrofit order for EAE

六月 2015

– German publisher E. Holterdorf has ordered a comprehensive retrofit for the control and automation systems of its newspaper web press, which will also be enhanced with technology from Q.I. Press Controls

GMDE new agent for EAE in Italy

六月 2015

- EAE welcomes GMDE as a new agent! GMDE will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of Italy. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio

Denmark makes acquaintance with Q.I. Press Controls and EAE combination

四月 2015

– It seems that the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE is paying dividends. In the space of just over a year following the acquisition of EAE - a period in which the two organisations have continued to develop groundbreaking automation products - the print industry has become increasingly aware that the two companies are operating as a single entity. Joint orders are starting to pour in and Denmark too, is making acquaintance with the QIPC – EAE combination. Having been won over by the commitment shown by both organisations, the Trykkeriet Nordvestsjaelland printing plant has singled out QIPC – EAE for the upgrade of its presses.

New Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE

二月 2015

Mathijs Baron was appointed as the new Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE at the beginning of 2015. Mathijs steps into the shoes of Christian Janse who, after spending several years with QIPC – EAE, has taken up a new challenge outside the company.


New Managing Director for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE Latin America

二月 2015

– Nielson Fernando will start from February 2015 as the new Managing Director of Q.I. Press Controls and EAE Latin America. Nielson will replace Júlio Coutinho who has worked over seven years for the company. Nielson will start in a new office in São Paulo, Brazil.  

Q.I. Press Controls purchases the business and assets of EAE

三月 2014

Q.I. Press Controls, active in the print industry with eight locations worldwide, will take over EAE, the control and automation specialist for printing machines, starting April 1, 2014. An agreement was made not to divulge the purchase price.
