QIPC-EAE secures 2 milion in orders in first DRUPA week

Oosterhout/Dusseldorf, giugno 2016 - The first week of Drupa 2016 has been phenomenal for QIPC-EAE. “Not only did we close the first week with an order intake of 2 million worth, but we are also getting very good responses on our new our product introductions IBS-100 and EAE desk 7”, states Menno Jansen, Chairman of QIPC-EAE. 

Important orders 
Amongst others Q.I. Press Controls closed the deal with Israel Today from Bat-Yam, Israel. 2 KBA Colora presses (8 print units in total) will be equipped with IDS-3D for colour and dampening control and mRC-3D for controlling cut-off and side lay register In addition, the IQM (Intelligent Quality Management) will be delivered. mRC-3D colour register was ordered on 2 Harris coldset presses of Rotativos Patagonia from Buenos Aires, Argentina and on 4 print units of the Manugraph Cityline pres of Sanmarg Pvt India. EAE ordered with Funke Medien. They will perform a Reelstand retrofit on their KBA press in Erfurt Germany. These together with other orders closed, bring the total order intake in the first week of Drupa 2016 to 2 million Euro.   

IBS-100 and EAE Desk 7
Q.I. Press Controls is using Drupa to announce her entry in the packaging and digital printing market by introducing the IBS-100 (Intelligent Bar Sensor - 100 % full inspection). This unique 6-function scanner bar enables 100% full inspection and can be combined with existing register and density measurement and control software from QIPC. Menno Jansen: “A very exciting moment for us to feel and experience the positive responses from the market. This will be the starting point to introducing the IBS-100 further and making our way into new markets.” Also EAE- Engineering Automation Electronics is taking Drupa as starting point for getting customers warmed up for future developments. With the EAE Desk 7 EAE shows its pioneering view on how they see ‘near’ future of press control.  

“Given the results so far we expect Drupa 2016 to be a great success. We are looking forward to the week to come.”  

Come and visit QIPC-EAE at Hall 16 A16

Fltr, Jaco Bleijenberg (Director International Sales & Marketing QIPC), Amir Finkelstein (Vice President Operations Israel Today), Meir Lewin (Printing Plant Manager Israel Today) and Gidion Ambaum (Sales Executive QIPC)

Menno Jansen “Given the results so far we expect Drupa 2016 to be a great success"

About QIPC – EAE: 

QIPC – EAE is the result of the acquisition of EAE by Q.I. Press Controls in 2014. Q.I. Press Controls, the number one supplier of innovative, high-quality optical measurement and control systems, joined forces with EAE, the leading supplier of control, automation and software solutions for the printing industry. Supported by a global service network, the QIPC – EAE joint-venture delivers total solutions for web offset presses in the printing industry. From prepress to mailroom, QIPC – EAE provides solutions that not only lead to production reliability, but to enhanced performance as well.   

For more information, go to: www.qipc.com & www.eae.com

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